Aug 19, 2010

Tattoo Tights, yes really!!!

I'm of the opinion that when it comes to tattoos the simplest most subtle type is the way to go!

I first found a pair of tattoo tights in my local shoe boutique (the place ladies go to match up for Ladies Day fashion, not your average shoe shop) that has a flower pattern on the lower right and left leg. I love them so much I've gone though 3 pairs. They cost about 12 euro each, madness I know but I'm hooked on tattoos!

Today I found a Marie Claire version with a simple butterfly on them. I was super excited! These ones cost 8 euros, so a slight saving. They also had a pair with a star on them which I will go back for!

I'd love to know your feelings on them. Tack or funky?


  1. I love the idea of these though I'm not sure I'd wear them, I probably wouldn't be brave enough, but I think they'd add great drama to an outfit.

  2. Well the ones I have are very subtle! The butterfly is only about an inch and a half in width. I'm loving the Peacock feather ones in the pics though!
